- The budget is in the House Finance Subcommittee. At this point it appears Cooperative Extension may receive $190,000 and the Health Budget may receive $175,000. UAF submitted a pay raise package suggesting 60% / 40%. This would mean that 60% would come from General funds and 40% would come from Non-General funds. However, it appears this may be changed to 50% / 50% which is a short fall of $1.6 million.
- Trying to get federal funding for the Life Sciences project.
- Capital budget is extremely meager at this point. Governor Palin will have a marginal impact on UAF as she is concentrating on unemployment and K-12 issues.
- There are several hoops that must be jumped through if monies are accepted from the Stimulus Package. Example: weekly reporting on how the monies are being spent, and they must be spent rather quickly.
- There are options through the State of Alaska that UAF may be able to capitalize on to help with the budget issues. There is a Cops Grant that UAF Police Dept may be able to apply for to help with there concerns.
The Chancellor was exciting at how the Staff Appreciation Day is coming together. He realizes it will cover a variety of topics and is encouraged and excited to see all the effort being put into making this an event that will recognize staff, orient new staff, provide professional development in a fun environment.