Voting is now open for Unit Representative seats in even numbered Staff Council Units. Newly elected Unit Representatives will serve two-year terms, during which, they will serve as a direct link between the staff members in their unit and UAF Staff Council. As Staff Council members, they will work to address important issues that affect the welfare of staff, including benefits, compensation, staff development, health, and safety.
Through UAF Staff Council, Unit Representatives will become active participants in shared governance at UAF, which provides a direct link between UAF Staff Council and members of the UAF Administration.
Voting is now open Representative Seats for the following Staff Council Units:
- Unit 2 - College of Rural & Community Development (CRCD)
- No candidates on the ballot, votes may be placed for write-in candidates
- Unit 4 - Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)
- Jessica Desrochers
- Jami Warrick
- Unit 6 - School of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences (SFOS)
- No candidates on the ballot, votes may be placed for write-in candidates
- Unit 8 - College of Liberal Arts (CLA)
- Unit 10 - College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (CNSM)
- Jeff Baxter
- Lawrence Murakami
- Heather Pyland
- Unit 12 - Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services (VCAS)
- No candidates on the ballot, votes may be placed for write-in candidates
- Unit 14 - International Arctic Research Center (IARC)
Voting begins today and will close at the end of the day on Dec. 11.
Click here to vote using our online system! - (Voting Closed on Dec. 11, 2013)
To submit your vote, click on the link above and log in using your last name and your 8-digit UA ID number.
You do not need to specify which unit you are in when voting. The system will automatically send you to the ballot for your unit, once you have logged in. If you feel that the system sent you to the wrong ballot, immediately contact the Staff Council Office (see contact information below).
Write-In votes may be submitted for all seats; follow the instructions for logging into the election system and type the name of the person you want to vote for in the appropriate location on the ballot.
In the event that you were nominated and left off the ballot, contact the UAF Staff Council Office at 474-7056 or immediately so that the problem may be addressed.
Additionally, please contact us, using the phone number or email address listed above, if you have questions or if you experience any problems with the voting system.