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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Staff Council News for February

Nominations for the Staff Make Students Count Award are due on February 21. Nominations for the 2014 Chancellor's Cornerstone Award are also due on February 21. For more information on these awards and how to submit a nomination, please visit: 

I've attached notes below the jump from our January meeting, taken by one of our Representatives. If you have any questions about the January meeting, please feel free to contact your representative or one of the at-large representatives:

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, February 18, from 1:30 to 3:45 PM in the Wood Center Ballroom. All staff are welcome to attend or call in to the meeting to listen. You can also find more information, including the call-in numbers, at our website:

Best regards,

Brad Krick
UAF Staff Council President 2013 - 2014

Notes from the January 2014 Staff Council Meeting

Staff Council Mtg 01-22-2014

I.           8:45 – 8:55    CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL
A.   Call to Order
B.    Roll Call - quorum met
C.    Approval of Agenda for Staff Council Meeting #246
D.   Approval of Minutes for Staff Council Meeting #243?
II.        8:55 – 9:00  STATUS OF PENDING ACTIONS
A.   Motion 2013-E-1 – Email Motion to Ratify Fall 2013 Even Unit Election Results - Approved - Still need to get supervisor approval forms from all of the new representatives.
III.     9:00 – 9:05 PUBLIC COMMENT
IV.     9:05 – 9:15 OFFICER REPORTS
A.  Brad Krick, President - In November BoR meeting, the Regents briefly discussed regulation to change the employee tuition waiver. It was put on the agenda for the December meeting. At the December Mtg. 125 people showed up to oppose and negative change in the tuition waiver. At Jan. Staff Alliance mtg, Gambell presented about the budget and there was a proposed cut in the UA budget. May have to hold open 30-50% of vacant positions as opposed to the current 20%. He was surprised at the number of comments in the last survey in support of cutting positions. That is not the direction that he is looking. He did receive the message about UA administration was "top heavy". The comments are still being "sanitized" before they can be released. On the UAF side, the Budget Options group currently doesn't have any staff representation but the committee does not have any decision making authority. They make proposals to the Planning and Budget Committee by the beginning o February.
      Capitol budget - The combined heat and power is the highest priority even higher than the new Engineering Bldg.
B.  Ashley Munro, Vice President - Orientation. Breakfast with the Chancellor and cabinet. All staff council members are invited and encouraged to attend. Committee chairs will be promoting participation in their committees. The regular staff council mtg. will start at 1:00pm. We are looking for other room options. Rural representatives are encouraged to travel in for the orientation meeting. Couple of awards. Chancellor's Cornerstone award nominations are being taken. Selection committee is being formed. Staff Make Students Count - nominations are due on Feb 21. Comments on Shaping Alaska's Future. Comments are due Feb 17th. 
Chris Beks mentioned that not having staff on the Budget Options Group has not gone unnoticed and that there really should have been.
Proposed resolution - Chris Beks. Request that the Budget Options Group include a Staff Council member.
Insert the text of the resolution if passed...
V.             9:15 – 9:25            CHANCELLOR’S REMARKS - Will not be attending
VI.          9:25 – 9:35 GOVERNANCE REPORTS
A.  David Valentine, President – Faculty Senate - Did not attend
B.  Cordero Reid, Senator – ASUAF - Did not attend
VII.       9:35 – 9:45            UNFINISHED BUSINESS
VIII.    9:45 – 9:50  BREAK
IX.     9:50 – 10:05     NEW BUSINESS
Julie Queen - Director of the UAF Office of Management and Budget. Some initial effort was put into setting up an authoritative landing page. 37% State General Funds. 19% Federal Receipts. 9% Tuition and Fees. 5% ICR. 9% UA Receipts (e.g. contracts). 8% ARRA. 13% Other.
As Federal Receipts dwindle, ICR goes down. Projected FY15 & FY16 are being projected as flat as best.
Presented the Budget 101 info-graphic and the "UAF Request for Funding" pamphlet prepared by Marketing and Communications.
XI.          10:05 – 10:20   INTERNAL COMMITTEE REPORTS
A.   Elections – Richard Machida , Chair - Has not met since the last staff council meeting in December.
B.    Membership and Rules – Kirsten Bey, Acting Chair - Kirsten Bey is no longer with staff council as of January.
C.    Rural Affairs – Jeannette Altman, Chair -
D.   Staff Affairs – MaryAlice Short, Chair - Does not have a chair. Jennifer Youngberg has offered to co-chair for a while to get things going again. Faye Gallant has offered to chair the committee.
E.    University Advocacy – Lesli Walls, Chair - 
*Committee Chairs:  Please forward your reports to
A.   Staff Alliance-  Staff Health Care Committee – Debbie Coxon, Lesli Walls, Chris Beks (Alt), David Bantz (Alt)
B.    Staff Alliance Compensation Working Group – MaryAlice Short & Mike Cox
*Committee Chairs:  Please forward your reports to
XII.       10:30– 10:40    EXTERNAL UAF COMMITTEE REPORTS - Written Format
A.   Accreditation Steering Committee – Vacant
B.    Chancellor’s Advisory Committee for the Naming of Campus Facilities – Debbie Coxon
C.    Chancellor’s Diversity Action Committee (CDAC) – ON HIATUS
D.   Chancellor’s Planning and Budget Committee – INACTIVE (Active only in spring)
E.    Food for Thought Committee  - Tom Langdon
F.     Intercollegiate Athletic Council – Debbie Coxon & Jesse Atencio
G.   Master Planning Committee (MPC) – Richard Machida,  Brad Krick, Alt
H.   Meritorious Service Awards Committee – INACTIVE (Active only in spring)
I.      Parking Advisory Committee (PAC) – Tom Langdon (INACTIVE)
J.      People’s Endowment Committee – Debbie Gonzalez
K.   RISE Board – Ian Olson
L.    Staff Day Planning Group – Ashley Munro and Maria Russell
M.  Technology Advisory Board Committee (TAB) – Adam Kane & Chris Beks
*Committee Chairs:  Please forward your reports to
XIV.      10:40 – 10:45   AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS
A.     2014 Staff Council Calendar Ad Hoc Committee
XV.        10:45 – 10:50  ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION
XV.         10:50  ADJOURN

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